Flamingo In Vamprickle Land

Children & Young Adult | 14 Chapters

Author: Nayaab Suhel


This story aims at catching the young readers and taking them to an imaginary world of witches and wizards where Flamingo is trying to become the world's greatest witch! But will she succeed? The journey in a special vessel to an enchanting land with foods you have never heard of before. The enchanting spells are sure to mersmerize you and you will yearn for the charms mentioned in this book. “Tinkle binkle, dumming and doe; change our le....

The Letter

“Oh! Flamingo where are you? I am tired of calling you .Please come!” shouted Calera, Flamingo’s elder sister. Flamingo and Calera were both young witches.

Suddenly a voice answered, “Oh Sis, can’t you see that I am working on a very important spell.” “Don’t you know that I have registered my name in a contest and if I am successful in this spell, then I can be the best witch of the world!”

Calera asked, “This is the twenty sixth time you have been trying to work out this spell! By the way, what is this spell about?”

To this, Flamingo answered again, “Actually this spell is for transfigurisation.”


Flamingo is busy in spell making

“But I guess that you have already sent a bottle of this potion for that contest!” said Calera

“YES. I have sent but my great great great great great great great great great granny said that we should never stop practicing what we have learnt.”

“Oh! I see!”

For some time the sisters' crazy talk went on.

Night came and both the sisters went to bed, humming the night dream spell which would make them see beautiful and amazing dreams:

“Tinkle binkle, dumming and doe;

change our legs into baby toe.”

But before they could close their eyes, there came a loud knock on the door. “Oh! My! Who in the middle of the night is knocking on our door?” asked Flamingo, suddenly getting up from her bed in a fright. “I don’t know dear” answered Calera nervously.

Both the sisters went to check, who the person knocking on the door was. But when they opened the door, they saw a huge penguin standing before them,carrying a big bag on his shoulders . He looked very tired indeed. The sisters were not very surprised at this because these things were normal in Wizardy land. Suddenly Calera asked, “What in the world have you come for, and that too in the middle of the night?”

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Children & Young Adult | 14 Chapters

Author: Nayaab Suhel

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Flamingo in Vamprickle Land

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